Reviews van deze auteur


Review: Pure oplichterij waar nodig iets aan gedaan behoort te worden

Hello Rob,

Please understand that the car must be returned with maximum 59 minutes delay. If you have selected the return time as 7AM then I'm afraid the limit time in your case was 7.59AM. When depositing the keys in the dropbox the system recognizes the keys and registers the time.

After that time you or the car are no longer covered.

As for the diesel charge, in case you haven't asked for a diesel car I'd suggest you contact us again and explain that it wasn't your decision.

Thank you in advance,
Victoria R.
Goldcar representative

Review: Opgelicht

Hello Hay,

We are very surprised to hear your story. In very rare occasions the credit cards are not accepted however imputing the PIN code is a must in order for us to block a deposit. After several attempts, if the card doesn't work, our agents just assume that it is blocked. They cannot know what exactly has happened.

In some occasions banks don't accept international transactions higher than 1000€ and that may be the case. Since the cost of the coverage is much less than that, it may have worked.

If you'd like us to review your case, please open a formal claim via this website.

Thank you in advance.
Victoria R.
Goldcar Representative

Review: Nep Car


Thank you for your comments.

Normally, as per our internal procedures, we send an email to our customers with an explanation of the charges and the invoices. Did you receive one?

Also, the best way to resolve this is to open a formal claim via our website - Help Centre. Our customer service will look into it and respond back to you via email.

We truly hope this will be resolved ASAP.

Thank you.
Victoria R.
Goldcar Representative

Review: Oplichters

Hi Arwin,

First of all allow me to explain that we never confirm the model of the car but the group it belongs to. In the same group we offer different cars but with similar characteristics.
Surely you have made this booking via a third party company so I'd suggest you contact them directly.

As for the fuel, we check the fuel gauge to determine the amount that has been used. The full tank is 8/8.

Also, allow me to explain our Flex Fuel policy: customers pre-purchase a full tank and receive a refund for unused fuel, minus a handling and administration fee (the vehicle needs to be driven to be refueled and cannot be rented out in the meantime). With this plan customers benefit from our Quick Return System, they don't have to worry about refueling the vehicle close to the office before returning it or wait for the tank to be checked. This is explained during the booking process through our website. A Full to Full plan is also offered and explained during the booking process through our website

Thank you.
Victoria R.
Goldcar Representative